
Examples of technical website design

Examples of technical website design

Examples of the technical website design of various types completed over a long period of activity with a brief description of the purpose and features.

When creating this material, I was aware that this would not be a simple process of sorting through archives, searching, and preparing illustrations over a very long time, but I have long wanted to do this. The material will be constantly updated based on the analysis of this or that archive, and I will sort the developed projects from the latest to the oldest. It should be interesting.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me on Telegram.

2022 / Platform for the Interaction of Specialists in the Field of Transport Logistics

[object Object]Development start: December 2022 (in progress). Objective: To provide an environment for interaction between specialists in the field of transport logistics (service consumers, transport companies, customs brokers, administrators), publication of company services in three languages (three different domains), and administration from one administrative interface. Unique solutions for working with various types of materials in three languages.

An extensive set of tools for system users, including working with product items to be transported and a tool for creating a packing list, which will save a lot of time. This product is still in development.

2022 / Platform for training and testing mastery of materials

[object Object]Development start: February 2022. Objective: In an accessible and understandable form, provide students of medical universities with access to digitized educational materials included in the curriculum in the chosen discipline or section, testing the mastery of materials by passing system-generated tests.



2022 / Reference and information system for doctors

[object Object]Development start: August 2022. Objective: To develop a specialized search system that allows a medical specialist to request and receive the required information in a structured form, based on complex queries. It is possible to work with the received data, creating bookmarks and notes for any fragment of text of the selected material.


2021 / Content management system for subscription service for trading signals

[object Object]Development start:  August 2021. Objective: Develop a system that allows you to manage website materials, products, packages, and tariffs, as well as subscriptions for access to traders’ trading signals. In addition to the above, it was necessary to ensure the parsing and subsequent processing of a large amount of data from various sources according to the algorithm provided by the customer.


2020 / Script for an online store of medical tea

[object Object]Development start: October 2020. Task: It was necessary to develop a simple, administered, adaptive, online store to check the demand for medicinal tea. As a result, we implemented it on node.js with full compliance with Google requirements, search engine optimization (site map, site image map, etc.) and a loading speed of less than 0.350 ms. In terms of simplicity, ease of use and functionality, the product surpasses most popular scripts.

2020 / Landing page for the sale of printing products

[object Object]Development start: January 2020. Task: Develop a structure, color scheme and style for the online presentation of printing products and collecting applications from representatives of the target audience.




2019 / Content management system for selling training courses

[object Object]Development start: October 2019. Task: According to the requirements, a system for managing content, packages of disciplines and lessons included in the educational course, a system for managing users and charging the cost of teaching work in various modes (audience, web conference, access to materials according to subscription) was developed.


2019 / Online store of spare parts for agricultural machinery john deere

[object Object]Development start: May 2019. Task: Develop a multi-lingual online storefront and fill it with products from the donor (manufacturer) site. Technicians tested the donor's web server for security and developed a parser that extracted all the required data for 750,000 product items. While the technicians were sorting out the content, Konstantin (industrial designer) and I were developing the layout and structure of the main page resource.

2019 / Landing page with rating of hosting providers

[object Object]Development start: April 2019. Task: Develop a landing page to redirect the user to the hosting provider’s website using an affiliate link. As a result, we implemented a full-fledged administrative area on node.js for editing the data of the comment service provider card with ratings.


2018 / Direct interaction platform publisher / advertiser

[object Object]Development start: February 2018. Objective: Develop a multilingual platform for interaction between digital advertising agency specialists and publishers and advertisers. As a result, a complex system was developed that provides for the production needs of specialists from all departments of the agency (publishers, advertisers, technical and financial) and users of the service system.

It was possible to develop unique subsystems that ensure 100% delivery and administration of incoming correspondence with logging of status changes, redirects, etc.

Any message sent in chat, via email, or from the site’s feedback form automatically becomes a task without the possibility of losing the latter.

It was possible to develop and implement unique interfaces for setting up advertising campaigns with the ability to use all known online advertising formats in any language.

The functionality of the platform allows you to create any goals and payment models, from CPM to accounting for user actions, including indicators and other conditions.

2013 / Owner-agent interaction platform

[object Object]Development start: February 2013. Objective: To provide the owner of a real estate property with the ability to deliver offers to selling agents via API (directly for publication on the agent’s online storefront). The provided functionality should allow the placement of any real estate (from a barn to hotel rooms) with the ability to administer data, conclude an agency agreement, assign commission rates to agents and track the booking schedule according to a flexible tariff system including seasons, periods and promotions.

2011 / Online store for trading water purification systems

[object Object]Development start: August 2011. Task: Develop an online showcase for presenting the company's products, fill the database with goods, ensure the operation of filters and sorting and a system for recording applications. The implementation was carried out on the basis of early versions of Joomla KMS with intervention in the kernel, components and modules.


2010 / Online booking and materials management system

[object Object]Development start: September 2010. Task: Develop an online booking system for properties of various types (from a private house, villa, apartment or hotel room) including tools for administering property cards. The product was successfully implemented including process automation tools that were unique for that time. As of 2012, the web showcase represented more than 7,000 objects of various types and, long before the whales of the industry such as Agoda and booking, it made it possible to calculate the cost for a long period (not for a package tour) in real time (I’m not kidding, we were the first). The service and activities were discontinued in 2016 due to various unfavorable forecasts (including the death of the King of Thailand and prolonged mourning).

Landing page with rating of hosting providersOnline store of spare parts for agricultural machinery john deereScript for an online store of medical teaPublisher/advertiser direct interaction platformContent management system for subscription service for trading signalsOwner-agent interaction platform (real estate of any type)Online booking and materials management systemOnline store for trading water purification systemsContent management system for selling training coursesLanding page for selling printed productsLanding page for selling printed productsPlatform for interaction between specialists in the field of transport logistics

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