
Web development specialists

Web development specialists

For many people, the process of developing a website is associated with going to a design studio, where they will helpfully offer to make it beautiful and the way you want, and will even probably allow you to participate in the process, move elements and satisfy your ambitions.

However, in order not to get a nicely packaged “corpse,” I suggest you get acquainted with the characters living in the kitchenette where web projects are prepared at a professional level.

Let's start with the waiter - he's also the administrator! He is the one who takes your order, listens, asks, and determines the needs of your business. The experience of the administrator directly determines the form in which your wishes will be achieved by the chef - who is also a project manager.

*The best solution would be to ask to be connected with the manager!

The professional level of the latter is determined by the number of “scars”, “bumps” and the presence of live and successful projects on the network. Those. this is a seasoned and experienced webmaster who once distributed tasks to designers and technical specialists in order to achieve results (reducing costs or making money). He will ask questions to which you probably won’t have an answer, but this is his task.

*By “scars and bumps” we mean failures and failures!

The project manager gathers a round table at which characters unknown to you appear.

A marketer will definitely ask questions about the purpose and feasibility of the development, will request testing of hypotheses (the word is what), test them, will justify various and sometimes incomprehensible things, but he is the one who can save you from unnecessary costs.

*It’s better to trust a specialist, but it’s still necessary to keep your finger on the pulse because there are different “marketers” about which there will be a separate article in which I will try to explain the principles of separating the wheat from the chaff.

Technical director - will speak a strange and incomprehensible language to the marketer and others. It depends on what technologies you need to use so that your project meets the requirements of a marketer (promotion) and can be scaled without the need to break what has already been built.

The architect will only make notes in a notebook and will not speak at all.

The PI is also a quiet one, but his task is to calculate the cost of the work, laying down straws so that the team can cope with the task without damaging the company’s cash register.

The head of the design group is a stern and calm type who will torture the marketer and the manager for certified and agreed upon technical specifications (technical specifications) for each task.

You probably thought that any designer could develop the right logo for you “at once,” and here I have to correct you. Design, as an engineering solution, has several directions, one of which is “industrial”. Your logo should not only be unique (distinguishable from other registered symbols), readable in low and high optical resolution in monochrome (one color) and in color, evoke the given associations and, of course, be universal for use in both printing and the web .

*It’s difficult to even list how many times I had to “saw through” the imperishables. Sometimes you repeat to the client five times that his “author’s” logo cannot be used, but... the latter insists on the uniqueness of his creation and, as a result, he is “sobered” only by the refusal to register someone else’s trade symbol in the appropriate authority.

Let's leave the logo for later and figure out the design of the showcase - the main page of your service. I suppose you have come across sites where either the essence of the offer is not obvious, or there is no need to look for options. Changing pictures, icons with a brief explanation and the need to flip and scroll in search of options.

Your unique selling proposition and available options must fit on the screen and on all devices! The speed of delivery of the USP (unique selling proposition) and available options to a potential client directly determines the number of conversions (transactions)! The project manager will work on this, sometimes not at all simple, task, identifying the unnecessary and defining the emphasis for the interface designer.

*Options - “calls to action” should be obvious to the user!

You may ask “what about programmers!?” but I have to inform you that until you approve all the screens, user and administrative side functionality, the connection of these specialists (who also have a distribution by specialty) is premature!

To be continued…

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