Development of web-based tools

The development of any digital, web-based tool begins with the formation of a datasheet. By datasheet is meant a clear formulation, a description that includes the intention of the final product for the consumer. Specialized experts specify acceptable ui/ux solutions and technologies.
Example of a product's technical description
"To develop a tool for receiving and transmitting detailed applications from a consumer of goods/services to an operator with the possibility of using it through a web browser on smartphones and desktop PCs."
*This wording clearly describes the purpose of the final product, and then the project manager will request from the customer the details needed for the design.
Collection of data and requirements
This stage involves compiling a list of received and transmitted data, methods of delivery, and processing. Based on the result, the interfaces necessary for interaction will be determined, which can be implemented in the form of prototypes - technical sketches. Further, the technical director and the architect are involved in the process, whose task is to determine the architecture and technologies that meet the requirements for the product (load, speed, etc.), including the possibility of scaling.
*The above may seem unnecessary, but people with bad experience will prefer to do exactly this scenario, which will allow you to get an architectural and technical description, including the timing and cost of the work.
The development and implementation of certain web technologies into production processes can significantly reduce costs, improve the speed of interaction between profile specialists and company customers in all areas of activity. Each specialized department of the company is managed by an experienced specialist in his field.
Our IT department
This area of activity is supervised by the head of the company, who has impressive (more than 25 years) experience in developing software and hardware solutions designed to reduce the operational burden on narrow-profile specialists and organize high-quality business processes and recordkeeping.
Cooperation should be comfortable, productive, and favorable for both the contractor and the client, which requires the study of all chains of interaction processes and the search for technological solutions.
Thanks to the relationships we have developed over the years with narrow-profile specialists, we are able to transfer complex software and hardware products from development to implementation. This website (client application) was originally intended as an interactive form for automating the receipt of applications for the calculation of the cost of transportation; however, it is already being implemented as an automated system for the interaction of participants in the processes (CRM).